Squirrel Fever

A poem is the first thing I remember writing that wasn't a class assignment. I think I was in high school, and I have no idea where the impulse came from. I was a budding environmentalist at the time, tuned in to those who decried human encroachment on natural habitat - the Joni Mitchell "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot" era. I lived in a small city, and there was a telephone pole at the corner of our yard and our neighbor's yard. We had squirrels that raced up and down that pole and jumped from branch to branch of adjacent trees. The poem I wrote featured those squirrels, and I don't remember anything of the poem other than my metaphor for the squirrels as "rag-tag refugees from the wire-bound trees." The gist of my poem was that the squirrels were here first, and we are the interlopers, so we have no right to complain if they sometimes gnaw the telephone lines. I showed the poem to my mother, which was an uncharacteristic move. I was typi...